Saturday, 26 September 2015

July 4th, 2011 was EPIC


Today for #RABlogWeek participants are to discuss "Onset Stories"' or, how did you feel once you were diagnosed?? I had a lot of mixed emotions when that occurred for me.  Here is the back story for how that all evolved.

1. fell off cottage deck...sprained ankle horribly....evolved into a blood clot (DVT); left me off work for a year. That was July 4th, 2011 when it all went to crap...

2. During this year off, I decided to address the question.."why in the heck did a sprain evolve into something so awful? I have had far worse accidents? (ie. sky diving at and tearing my ACL on my right leg).

3. Questions then evolved into addressing my perpetual lower back pain that has worsened over the years, getting an arthritis assessment, being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at first, then.....only to discover that I tested positive for HLA - B27 which is the genetic marker for A.S. ; Finally I had an answer as to why...I was hurting so badly each and every day.

I felt vindicated because now I had an answer! So, that being said...I knew that I need to tackle these illnesses head on. I would research EVERYTHING I could and then...find my CURE!!!

After 20 or so books later, several research studies online and several doctor's appointments I knew that I would not find that magical cure.  I have had A.S. my entire my early 20s it first manifested as patella femoral syndrome ; this made Varsity level fencing VERY painful by the third year, so I have always known that something was different about me...have had MEGA allergies my entire life, broken three bones on my left arm, had numerous viral and bacterial infections and was always just called a "sickly person"; so that was my plight in body every thought to investigate further.....

Until I was forced to.  Years of reading, years of seeing doctors and yet a Third,  Short Term Disability leave from work....have not resulted in me feeling any better; and there has been no magical cure.

I believe I am getting closer to "acceptance" of my plight in life, and of my illnesses....but it is tough. However, reaching out to others online, blogging, and sharing stories reminds me that I am not alone....and I will be able to navigate my way back to happy!!

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